Several Mercer Island lacrosse players have spent the summer playing with Team Washington, a group of high school lacrosse players from around the state.
The Rising Sophomore team, called the Cohos, won several tournaments. Mercer Islanders on the team included: Ben Berejka, Tiger McBurney, Bernie Agress and Cameron Wittman.
The team won at a big Tri-state tournament in New Jersey, finishing the event with an 8-0 record over three days. The next week, the team went 6-1 at Champ Camp Challenge, a tournament in Baltimore, where they won the tournament title. They played against teams from Long Island, upstate New York, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, Ohio, Florida, Oregon and California.
The team is made up of players from Bellevue, Issaquah, Mercer Island, Bainbridge Island, Eastlake, Northshore and Lake Washington school districts.