Eight Mercer Island residents finished the 126th running of the Boston Marathon, the world’s oldest marathon that began in 1897, on April 18.
The runners, who range from age 34 to 53, are: Matthew Betterman, John Combs, Maryn Juergens, Susan Lang, Jon Magnussen, Michael S. Wampold, Shannon Warburg and Lei Wu, according to the Boston Athletic Association website’s entry list.
Their net times are: Betterman (3:11.20, age 35), Combs (4:15.40, age 48), Juergens (3:24.17, age 34), Lang (3:18.00, age 50 — 16th in the women’s age 50-54 category), Magnussen (3:06.12, age 53), Wampold (3:31.30, age 52), Warburg (3:37.47, age 52) and Wu (3:14.0, age 50).
The 26.2-mile race — which featured 30,000 athletes — returned to its traditional Patriot’s Day date after occurring last October and virtually in 2020 due to the pandemic.
The Boston Marathon featured 15 athletes during its initial running on April 19, 1897. New Yorker John J. McDermott triumphed in the 24.5-mile race in 2:55.10.